Es gibt eine Störung bei Expedia
Wir beobachten diese Störung und aktualisieren den Status, soweit weitere Infos bekannt werden.
Beeinträchtigte vioma Dienste: Reservierungen von Expedia können nicht importiert werden, sie werden nach der Störung erneut übertragen.
Ablauf der Störung (Quelle: Expedia):
- 31-03-2022 21:34 - Expedia has identified an internal error causing a drop in BN notifications. Retry logic is in effect and messages are queing to resend. Engineers have identified the issue and are redeploying services.
- 01-04-2022 00:23 - We continue to see internal errors which are impacting 10-15% of BN traffic. Teams are continuing to work the issue.
- 01-04-2022 00:35 - Internal errors continue but we are seeing messages retrying successfully after delay.
- 01-04-2022 03:17 - The issue has been resolved, however, the BN messages are still retrying until the queue is cleared. We will continue to monitor.
- 01-04-2022 10:12 - BN message retry has completed. Expedia consider the issue is resolved.