Mittwoch, 3. März 2021

Channel Manager Störung bei Partner: Expedia

Es gibt eine Störung bei Expedia

Wir beobachten diese Störung und aktualisieren den Status, soweit weitere Infos bekannt werden.

Beeinträchtigte vioma Dienste: Preis/Verfügbarkeiten/Restriktionen wurden bei Expedia nicht importiert. Alle Updates werden nochmal geschickt.

Ablauf der Störung (Quelle: Expedia):

  • 2021-03-03 14:28 - Expedia Group is experiencing a degradation in one of the databases. As a result, inventory updates sent by vendors for properties that reside in that DB are failing with error codes 4004 or 3100. We advise to retry failed messages after Expedia confirms the resolution of this issue.
  • 2021-03-03 17:19 - Expedia Support teams are engaged and currently investigating the issue. Errors are observed for Lodging supplying services impacting multiple vendors.
  • 2021-03-03 18:40 - Databases were experiencing high volume of availability incoming traffic.This caused errors, which drives retries and then increases traffic. Fix has been successfully released. Currently, we are monitoring the traffic stability.
  • 2021-03-03 19:52 - Databases have been restored and issue resolved. Impact should now be over and affected ARI traffic restored.